Get In and Get Cookin'@Spoonfoolery December through January!

All us Spoons here at Spoonfoolery want to thank you for helping to make fall a very fun time in our classroom kitchen. But we're just getting started, and coming up is a favorite time of year for cooking and baking--winter! Here's a list of all the yummy things we've got going on this December through early January. You can find all of these at our Register! page on our website. Click on the Classes for Kids or Special Events header to find one that fits your schedule!
Gingerbread House Parties! (Special Events) December 15 and 23, 2018 1-2:30 pm (ages 7 and up)
December 16 and 23, 2018 3:30-5 pm (ages 2-6)
*Come decorate a holiday gingerbread house with us! Our gingerbread houses are completely made from scratch and totally edible. We'll do up our houses the old-fashioned way--with gumdrops, candies, and sprinkles. Enjoy some hot cocoa, Christmas cookies, and holiday music while you work.
Dinner & A Movie (Special Events)
December 28, 2018
5:30-8:30 pm (ages 5 and up)
$35 (sibling discount available)
*Need a night on the town yourself? Got some holiday returns to make? Or do you just need some "me" time after the kids have been home for a week? Drop them off at Spoonfoolery for dinner and a movie. We'll be showing The Lego Movie and serving homemade macaroni and cheese, pigs in blankets, fresh fruit, and Lego Mini-Fig cupcakes (complete with a chocolate Mini-Fig cupcake topper).
Early Release Day Workshop: Christmas Cookie Exchange (Classes for Kids)
Two dates to choose from, or register for both!
December 5, 2018 and January 16, 2019
12:30-3 pm (ages 8 and up)
*Got a half day off school? Come bake with us! In December, we'll be making a couple of different kinds of cookies and exchanging a dozen here and there with classmates. In January, we'll be getting comfy with some comfort food. Nothing settles you in for the afternoon more than homemade macaroni cheese and a batch of brownies.
Holiday Break Baking Camps (Classes for Kids)

Two dates to choose from, or register for both!
January 2 & 3, 2019
9:30-noon (ages 8-14)
$50 per session
*Home for the holidays and ready to get out of the house? Come on over to Spoonfoolery and learn how to make a few fundamentals for a fun, healthy, and delicious new year. Register for both days, and you'll get to make all of these scrumptious creations: oven-toasted granola, sandwich bread, homemade jam, soft pretzels, cheddar cheese dipping sauce, and holy cow, a BREAKFAST cookie!
We're here to keep you busy and baking this holiday season. Take home the recipe with every class or event and be sure to come hungry because there's always something tasty and fun to take home to share!