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CURRENT In-Person Class Sanitation & Safety Protocol (UPDATED June 2022)

UPDATED June 22, 2022: The following is detailed post about how Spoonfoolery in-person classes are currently being conducted.

If your child is registered for in-person classes at Spoonfoolery, please take a moment and read through this entire post and the uploaded or hyperlinked documents. It is absolutely pertinent that you read and understand our overall in-person sanitation and safety protocol.

IMPORTANT: Spoonfoolery is mask-optional. This is in accordance with the February 28, 2022 lifting of the state indoor mask mandate and Evanston Health Department guidelines. Additionally, as an after-school education center, we are not required to card for vaccination status.

Depending on class size, students will work with a partner. If you are enrolling a pair of siblings or your child is enrolling with a friend, they may be seated at the same workstation or near one another. Sometimes our class sizes are small enough to accommodate individualized workstations.

If your child or anyone in your household is feeling sick or experiencing any of the known COVID-19 symptoms, please keep them home and seek testing. Please let us know the result too, so that we can commit to contact tracing.

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT MOBILE DEVICES: Please inform your child with a mobile device that using it during class is not permitted. It's a distraction to students who don't have one, we are handling food on a regular basis and cannot control the contamination of someone's individual mobile device, and it's disrespectful to my staff and me to be on your phone while we are teaching.

Students will be required to clean and sanitize their workstations regularly throughout the duration of class. Additionally, Spoonfoolery staff will clean and sanitize the entire classroom and all equipment before the next class period. 

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT HAIR: Longer hair must be tied up in a ponytail or kept in a hat. Open-toed shoes, sandals, or flip-flops are NOT permitted. Students will be sent home to get appropriate and safe footwear. Also ensure that fingernails are trim, neat, and preferably UNPAINTED. Long fingernails are dangerous in food prep, can break off into food, and harbor bacteria that can get into food.

See also our List of FAQs for activities in our space.

We are located at 2113 Greenleaf St., Unit 4 in West Evanston. Entrance to our unit is on the west side of the building, down a short driveway.

Thank you, and we look forward to hosting your young chef in our kitchen classroom!


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