Magically Delicious Happenings!
So many food holidays, so little time to celebrate each and every one of them! Here's a little sampling of what we've got going on for March, Pi Day (3.14), St. Patrick's Day, and Spring in general. We hope you can join us for some four-leaf fun!
For Spring Session 1, we're trying out a little something new, by dividing our Elementary Chefs class into two age groups: ages 6-8 (starts Tuesday, March 12) and 9-12 (starts Thursday, March 14). In between that, we're introducing a new Short Stacks age group for drop-off, ages 4-6 (starts Wednesday, March 13). Our ages 2-4 Parent-Tot Short Stacks class is back too, beginning March 14. Check out all the options at our Register! link and sign up today!
Erin go bragh! That's "Ireland forever!" in case you've ever

wondered. And we all know how everything goes green in the month of March! Check out the Special Events tab at the Register! link for our St. Patty's Day Fun Day Early Release Workshop (March 6, ages 8 and up) and Friday Fun (March 8, all ages). If have an Elementary Chef-age kiddo or Middle Schooler who hasn't tried out one of our after-school classes yet, click on the Classes for Kids tab for one of our upcoming Early Release Workshops (March 6 and May 1) to get an idea of what classes at Spoonfoolery are like.

We'll be at Temperance Brewery for another pop-up on National Pi Day, March 14. Celebrate mathematics AND eat pie! Come on in from 6 to 8 pm and enjoy savory hand pies and pot pies, piekies (pie cookies), and homemade pop tarts. We'll even be serving up something with a little Temperance brew in it! You can bet there will be a flavor of something for everyone. Prices range from $4 to $10. Cash preferred. (Image courtesy of
We've also launched our Summer Camps options for both Elementary Chefs (ages 6-10) and Middle School (ages 11-14). Camps can be purchased week by week and run 9 am to 12 pm or 1 pm to 4 pm. Camps begin June 17 and run through August 23. You can find all the various listings at our Register! page

under the TWO Summer Camp options. Unlike our after-school classes, where we start and complete a multi-component recipe in a little over one hour, students will engage in multi-day projects, where they take home a complete project at the end of the week, like graham crackers, marshmallows, and fudge sauce all from scratch, for weekend campfires and cookouts! Or Eat Your Greens! Week, where it's kale chips, basil pesto, and spinach puffs for some healthy snacking. Descriptions and curriculum for each week will be posted by February 22.
We hope you can join us for some good GREEN fun this March or a week or two of some serious camp cookin' this summer. Hope to see you soon!